Bihar Startup

RodBez | Bihar Based Startup Providing One-Way Taxis and TaxiPool Services

RodBez, a dynamic startup founded by Mr. Dilkhush Kumar on June 10, 2022, is reshaping Bihar's mobility with affordable One Way Taxi and TaxiPool services, providing a solution to challenges in the unorganized taxi service sector.

RodBez | Bihar Based Startup Provinding One-Way Taxis and TaxiPool Services, emerges as a pioneering force in the dynamic world of transportation. Founded on June 10, 2022, by the visionary entrepreneur Mr. Dilkhush Kumar, RodBez addresses the challenges faced by both passengers and taxi drivers in Bihar’s unorganized taxi service sector.

RodBez | Bihar Based Startup Provinding One-Way Taxis and TaxiPool Services

Tackling Transportation Challenges in Bihar

RodBez enters the scene as Bihar’s largest mobility platform, responding to the longstanding issues of unaffordable return fares for one-way journeys and the complexities of the unorganized taxi service in the region. The platform recognizes the impact of rising fuel prices, aiming to provide a viable solution.

RodBez’s Vision and Mission

At the core of RodBez’s mission is the goal to connect every village and city in Bihar to the capital, Patna. The platform envisions creating a community where budget-conscious travelers and taxi drivers mutually benefit from its innovative services.

RodBez:- One-Way Taxis and TaxiPool - Redefining Travel in Bihar

The Power of One Way Taxi and TaxiPool Services

RodBez employs a sophisticated algorithm that identifies traveling vacant cabs, efficiently connecting taxi drivers to passengers. Through One Way Taxi and TaxiPool services, the platform significantly reduces travel costs by up to 40-60%, making it an attractive and cost-effective option for commuters.

Founder’s Expertise in Transportation

RodBez draws strength from the expertise of its founder, Mr. Dilkhush Kumar, a serial entrepreneur with a profound understanding of Bihar’s transportation sector. His experience and vision have laid the foundation for RodBez to be a game-changer in the industry.

RodBez:- One-Way Taxis and TaxiPool - Redefining Travel in Bihar

Building a Sustainable Community

RodBez is not just a transportation platform; it’s a community builder. By connecting like-minded individuals who share common travel routes, RodBez contributes to the creation of a more organized and sustainable transportation ecosystem.

Navigating Fuel Price Challenges

Inspired by the challenging scenario of skyrocketing fuel prices, RodBez stands resilient as a solution provider. The platform not only addresses economic concerns but also ensures that passengers and drivers can navigate these challenges together, creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders.

Startup Information

Startup Name RodBez
Founder Mr. Dilkhush Kumar
Founding Date June 10, 2022
Industry Transportation
Services One Way Taxi, TaxiPool
Vision Connect every village and city in Bihar to Patna
Unique Feature Reducing travel costs by 40-60% through shared rides

Funding Information Of RodBez

Profit in Previous Biz ₹80 lakh
Reason for Starting RodBez Previous dilution challenges led to an independent venture
RodBez Founding Date July 2022
Investment by Mithila Angel Network
Valuation at Founding ₹4 crore
Shark Tank Appearance Season 3 Episode 3
Shark Tank Ask ₹50 Lakhs for 5% Equity
Shark Tank Deal ₹20 Lakhs for 5% Equity (+ Debt)
Sharks Vineeta Singh, Ritesh Agarwal
Status In-business

About Founder Dilkhush Kumar

Dilkhush Kumar is the visionary Founder and CEO of Rodbez, a transportation platform designed to streamline carpool services. He embarked on this entrepreneurial journey alongside his co-founder, Siddharth Shankar Jha, who serves as the CFO of the company.

Dilkhush’s journey to entrepreneurship is marked by resilience and determination. A notable incident in his past involves facing rejection from a job interview due to his inability to recognize the iPhone logo. Undeterred, he chose a different path, learning to drive from his father, a bus driver. Dilkhush engaged in various occupations, including pulling rickshaws, selling vegetables, and working as an electrician and driver.

Prior to founding Rodbez, Dilkhush initiated a similar business named AryaGo Transpotech, which proved profitable, generating ₹80 lakh in profit. However, faced with significant dilution in the early stages, he decided to chart his own course.

Rodbez was officially launched in July 2022, receiving an investment from Mithila Angel Network at a valuation of ₹4 crore. Dilkhush took charge, not only conceptualizing the app but also assembling a team of skilled engineers to bring his vision to life.

Dilkhush Kumar’s entrepreneurial journey reflects his resilience, adaptability, and commitment to overcoming challenges. His hands-on approach to business development and innovation underscores his dedication to creating impactful solutions in the transportation sector.

Your Partner in Affordable and Sustainable Travel

RodBez stands as a beacon of change in Bihar’s mobility landscape. Its One Way Taxi and TaxiPool services offer not only affordability but also a sense of community, bringing passengers and taxi drivers together for a shared journey. Join RodBez in this transformative ride and experience the future of budget-friendly, sustainable travel in Bihar.


RodBez | Bihar Based Startup Provinding One-Way Taxis and TaxiPool Services, stands as a trailblazing force in Bihar’s transportation sector. Founded by entrepreneur Mr. Dilkhush Kumar on June 10, 2022, the startup’s focus on these innovative services showcases a commitment to addressing challenges and revolutionizing mobility.

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